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All three trustees went to Nepal in September/October 2016 and visited the Occed children. We were delighted to see how proud they are of their new ‘dream home’ and how well they look after it.


Both Dot and Anne visited Kathmandu again in 2017 when naturally they visited OCCED/Nepal Children’s Home but also went to look at other organisations that we had been made aware of and need support.


At our meeting in April 2017 we agreed to provide continuing support to two more projects in Kathmandu.


In 2018 five of the children gained their school leaving certificate and obtained their citizenship.
It was time to start helping the young adults leave the Occed home and gain independence.




Helping young adults to become independent, set uptheir first home and enrol in college


Children's Aid Centre

Giving this organisation donations to provide a daily meal for children in need

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New Nepal Children's Society

Providing nutritous food & toiletries weekly plus other essential items when required


Nepal Thalassaemia Clinic

Funding the care of one of our Occed children plus other donations when possible

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A Brighter Future for Children in Need

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